Tuesday, September 26, 2006

thoughts for a Monday.......... except that it's Tuesday

God damn Blogger just ate a very amusing post. THANK YOU VERY FUCKING MUCH I CANNOT POST MY FEELINGS. If they don't come out as thoughts, they'll come out as bullets. (Except not, because who has fucking time for that?)

I think I alarmed some folks at lunch today with my enthusiasm for Germna footballers fucking each other.

Brendon Urie does a better job singing "Baby One More Time" than Britteny Spears.
No, really.
If he released that as a single, I'd buy it.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Ryan Ross eats pancakes in eyeliner.

'Scuse me while I die from the hot.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

is it still me that makes you sweat? am I who you think about in bed?

haha oh fuck yes.

Monday, September 04, 2006

a Recap of Ann D's (blogger: phoomaton) house

This is my post recapping my night at phoomaton's home. However, I would first like to state that raspberry-flavored coffee from Dunkin' Donuts is delicious.

Okay. Now to the important part. I was told through an internet medium that I was due at Ann's house on Thursday. And on that Thursday morning, I recieved a frantic phone call from Ann stating that the person who had planned the event was not coming after all. This was both WFT? and alarming. And happened several times.

So I went to Ann's house anyway, and after realizing that she had not planned anything to do, we went for a walk, naturally, in the Homeless Woods. Which is not, I hope, their official name. I was promised that our four thousand mile hike through the woods would lead to an abandoned house. As if that wasn't incentive enough, I was told that there were possibly vagrants living there that drank hard liquor and creepy doors that lead to nowhere. I of course didn't worry because Ann had brought a flashlight. Once deep in the woods it was revealed that the flashlight batteries didn't work, but at that point I was running on faith anyway.

So we were deep in the woods, passing abandoned bicycles and other such materials that are not often abandoned in the woods. We forded a river, and came to the Nazis. Well, we didn't see any actual Nazis, but they were around. There was a rock with a swastika painted on it, situated near a stone fire circle. However, due to exhaustion, we did not exit the area with a speed that would have perhaps been more prudent.

Stumbling away from the Nazis, we crossed another river and went up a huge hill. Naturally, we then had to go down this hill, at which time Ann decided to call Pam. I spoke briefly with her, but regretably had to pass the phone back to Ann to engage all my faculties in not tumbling to my death. We went in a huge circle and up a huge hill, and Ann revealed to me that we were, while perhaps not lost, certainly not on the proper trail to the abandoned house.

The trail ended in someone's backyard. A person who, Ann tells me, is very unpleasant. We walked it off cooly, however, and crossed their backyard with eased nonchalance. Upon returning to her street, we were decidedly ignored by the men attempting to re-elect Nancy Johnson to Congress.

Needless to say, morale had dropped by the time we were back in her living room.


We drank water because we were not ready or willing to venture into her basement to retrieve the one can of Sprint rusting away down there. I refused her offer of grapes, which became a subject of ridicule for the rest of the night.

Then we watched "Silent Hill" and did not understand any of it. Well some parts, but not the ones that counted. Also, we had to leave to go to the picnic at the Nunnery, having been convinced to attend by Haley as she was not wearing any clothes. That is when she is most persuasive. (I had forgotten to mention above, but we spent the whole walk to the Homeless Woods taking to Haley while she was mostly naked and in the process of dressing towards the end.)

At the picnic I saw many people I hadn't seen in a while, and did not meet the girl from Moldova. I do, however, know where it is. Now she and I can be great friends.

We convinced Haley to join us through promises of sexual gratification and the VMAs. To all our disappointment, only one of these happened. Then we all dressed up as Musketeers and made a very special pact.

So we watched the VMAs and I realized I am horribly removed from popculture for good reason. Except I was oh-so happy to see the guitarist and lead singer of Panic! At the Disco (And I finally know their names! Ryan and Brendon!) eyefucking each other on stage. And we ate disgusting amounts of ice cream, even though Haley is lactose-intolerant.

We all tried to sleep in the same bed. The sheet was warm for a while but then imposed an Arctic chill on the room and blankets were required. We talked about important geo-political issues and which boys we would fuck, given the chance. Then everyone cuddled.

We have some great pictures of that. And some videos. Hopefully Haley will upload them somewehere.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

a note about bagel-y treats

Bagel Bites are way not filling. Sprite is more filling than those little cheese covered bagels. I'm not sure whether or not to be disappointed.

Ye be warned.