Wednesday, May 31, 2006

MySpace: Now with 20% more predators!

This myspace business is fast becoming addictive. I feel irrational urges to post my home address, social security number, and times when I won't be home.

But it passes.

BREAKFAST TODAY: Doritos and Starbucks.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Should I be ashamed that the new Wendy's commercial pisses me off? The one that declares that Frosties are "soqiuds" because they are neither solids nor liquids. This is a humorous premise. It would be funny, yet I get pissed off and cannot enjoy it because something that is neither strictly solid or strictly liquid is an amorphous solid, not a "soquid," douchebags.

This is how Honors Chemistry has destroyed me.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Did you ever pause in your day and realize that you are too stupid to live?

I am hogging oxygen from a better person who could serve humanity by existing. And I want a fucking muffin, bitch.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The lesson of 334002 seasons of Law & Order: Do not get killed by an attractive, charming person. Your death will be unavenged and someone will be held in contempt of court.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Possibly the most disgusting title of a spam email I've ever gotten:

"After Penis Enlargement patch, your cock wont look like a ball full of jelly."

NOTE TO SELF: Searching for said 82nd Airborne clip is a bad excuse for not having done your English paper.

and he ain't gonna jump no more

Does anyone have a copy of that video (you know what I'm talking about) that got those 82nd Airborne paratroopers in trouble?

I'd like to see it for... research purposes. Yeah. Yeah... that's it. Research.

I would like to add that the 101st would never have done that to the uniform. (Yes, it still counts if you take the uniform off.)

Saturday, May 20, 2006

stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you never fell asleep

Averaging three integers, WITH COMMENTS, you lucky people.
(And unlike those people who cry to Ellen, I had to do this on my fucking own.)

import cs1.Keyboard;//importing keyboard class

public class RequestReturn
public static void main(String [] args)
//declaring main method and parameters

int num1;//declaring first variable
int num2;//declaring second variable
int num3;//declaring third variable
double y;//declaring fourth variable

System.out.println("Please enter a number: ");//requests info from user
num1 = Keyboard.readInt();//storing value supplied

System.out.println("Please enter a number: ");
num2 = Keyboard.readInt();

System.out.println("Please enter a number: ");
num3 = Keyboard.readInt();

Compute solve123 = new Compute();//invokes method

System.out.println("The average of these numbers is " + y);//printing average from screen


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dear Fuckers Who Live in the Rest of the World,

New England is not full of Puritans smacking travelers with Bibles and people from Greenwich driving their BMWs and drinking mocha chai wild spice cinnamon vanilla lattes.

Thank you for your time.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

when Johnny comes marching home again, he's gay, he's gay

Maybe if some piece of technology around here WORKED, I would not be in such a panic.

On the other hand, if I didn't wait until the last minute, maybe I wouldn't be so dependent on iffy technology.

HAHAHAHA! Yeah, right!
It's not homework unless it's due tomorrow.

PS- The title of this post had nothing to do with the actual content. Just wanted to see if anyone could place it.

Monday, May 15, 2006

I hate Yaishna S, even before she had an eyepatch.

And I would like to wish good luck to friggidyfrack, because she recieved an ominous summons from the coffin and I know how that feels.

Stay strong. I'll tell your mother you fought brave.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

This hearty OOGITY BOOGITY goes out to phoomaton.

So, to reiterate...

Friday, May 12, 2006

Dear Spammers,

Thank you for your continued correspondance. It is always pleasant to hear that someone is thinking of you. However, I feel that some, if not all, of your marketing strategies need to be revised. I do not want to enlarge my penis, mainly because I do not have one to enlarge. It seems to me that this would be an important detail when deciding your market. Also, I do not wish to purchase C1aLiS or V18grA from your no doubt reputable pharmacy, due again to my genetalia. I have no need to refinance my house because I do not own one, and I have no desire to meet sexy singles in my area. It is none of my concern if local women are burning with passion just for me, although I do suggest they seek medical treatment if the condition persists.

I apologize if I seem harsh. I simply wish to help you understand consumers better, and to allow you to narrow your market in a way that would be beneficial for all.

Thank you for your patience.

PS: Amber May, I am sorry, but I cannot wire money to a fellow American trapped in an unnamed European airport because her passport was siezed. Fuck you.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Sometimes I wish I actually had a valid existance, so I could post about something that requires thought, instead of just to avoid doing the history reading.

My reality is now significantly occupied with checking to see if friends have updated their blogs. This both saddens and frightens me.

Also, am running for History and Latin SAC. I was going to run for French, but was undermined by the fact that I don't actually take French. WHEN WILL THE OPRESSION END!

(Now I must go to history, so I can discuss the causes of WWI and people who actually had something to complain about.)

PS: Ate bread. And soup. But still no fruit snacks. The drought continues.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

STATUS: still haven't written thank you note

If Sam says "big scary penis" one more time, I just don't know what I'm going to do. This is the man who brough us: "The people who have all the money are the people who do it all day," and the Celebration of the Urinal. The number of times "phallic" and "penis" whipped across that classroom today was disturbing.

Amelia's epiphonies are on a streak. If only I could have one, maybe I'd be feeling a little more productive than I do right now, 'cause productivity levels are currently at zero.

Pompousness is not a word. It is pomposity. I refer you to Ann-Derrick's blog for a rant concerning this issue. (Fuck you diction master sheet.)

Not even the weather is cooperating. Can I get a Rain Dance, people?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

don't cry for me fruit snacks...

This is why Kimi Raikkonen is cooler than you.

Oh, god. Did I actually just post about something I care about? I really hope this blog doesn't start to aquire social validity, because then I would cry for humanity.

Of course, while our new civilization of gasoline-breathing shark men was scrabbling around in the primordial ooze, it would mean all the more Scooby Doo fruit snacks for me. Of which I have not partaken in a few days. I begin to feel the fruity pangs of Berry Mystery Machine withdrawls.

Also, Haley is attempting to save the Finnish language and culture all by herself. If you see her, give her a hearty "Suomi!" for her efforts.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Well played. This is the first time I have never seen something like that coming.

Of course, I suppose the subtlety of waiting 2 months helped throw me off the scent.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Just so everyone knows, at 10 am today, I ate Scooby-Doo fruit snacks.

More details later.